개인정보(Personal Information)
표시는 필수 입력 항목입니다.(
Required Fields )
등록구분(Registration Category):
등록구분을 선택해주세요 (Please select your registration category)
일반(General Public)
전시참가 기업(Exhibition Participant)
유관기관(Other Institutions)
소속명(Company / Affiliation):
직급(Job Title):
휴대폰 번호(Mobile Phone):
이메일(E-mail Address):
박람회 인지 경로(How did you hear about us?):
아래에서 선택해주세요 (Please select from below)
보도자료(Press release)
SNS 광고(Social media advertising)
옥외광고(현수막 등)(Banners, signage, and/or other OOH)
홍보물(포스터, 브로슈어)(Posters, brochures, and/or other promotional materials)
검색광고(Search advertising)
주관·협업기관 추천(Host/collaborating organizations)
전시참가기업 추천(Participating exhibitors)
참관목적(Purpose of Attendance):
아래에서 선택해주세요 (Please select from below)
일반관람(General admission)
프로그램 참가(Participating in program events)
업계동향 파악(Understanding industry trends)
차기 박람회 참가(To participate in KFW 2024)
참가기업 미팅(For business meetings with participating companies)
기타(Other reasons)
개인정보 처리방침 이용동의 안내
(Processing of personal information and consent of use)
개인정보 제공에 동의합니다 (I agree to the terms stated above)
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